Thursday, December 18, 2014

George Stinney Jr: Black 14-Year-Old Executed By Electric Chair in 1944 Finally Exonerated

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14 year old George Stinney Jnr. was executed in South Carolina United States for allegedly beating two young white girls to death, but yesterday Wednesday Dec 17th, 70 years after his death, a judge threw out the original murder conviction.

When George was executed in 1944, he was so small he had to seat on a phone book in the electric chair. He's officially the youngest person to be executed in the U.S. in the 20th century.

George was found guilty of beating the girls, 11 and 8 years old with a railroad spike. His trial lasted only three hours and it took the a jury of all white people just 10 minutes to find him guilty - this was just 3 months after the girls were found murdered.